Aug 22, 2024

Maui! Day 6

Following an awesome visit to the Waihe'e Refuge and party night at the hostel, I allowed myself to sleep in for breakfast. It was fresh fruit and yogurt and then a familiar route to a familiar spot.

I wanted to hit the Wailuku Heights Cross trail, again, since it was the closest thing to the hostel, and my first hike of it netted some nice sightings. I arrived at the trailhead at ten o'clock and took my time up and down. At the boundary fence of the forest preserve, I turned my lens and took a few shots down on many of the places I had birded.

The Kahului Harbor and Keopuolani Regional Park as seem from above the cross.

The Kanahā Pond Wildlife Sanctuary and Jym Park.

Haleakala NP and the Kealia Pond NWR.

The birds I saw that day were all then-familiar faces: Zebra Doves, Warbling White-eyes, Red-billed Leiothrix, another Hawaii Amakihi, and one White-tailed Tropicbird.

Plus a few House Finches.

My legs felt dead at the bottom of the trail. They'd feel worse after a walk to the pharmacy to buy some Dramamine. But good stretching, massaging and cold water works wonders, and while I ran a load of laundry back at the hostel, I used the rest of the afternoon to chill and watch/listen to some NPR Tiny Desk Concerts which were playing on the hostel's TV. It was another fun night but one with the sad realization that I had only one more full day before my flight home.