Aug 14, 2024

Maui! Day 1

Flew out of MSP @ 5am on the fifth of August, touched down at DFW and birded, stalking the airport terminal windows. Four bird species showed themselves (including some first-of-2024 Great-tailed Grackles).

The flight to Maui was around seven hours but didn't feel too long with the free meal and movies. I watched Oppenheimer for the first time and The Shining for probably the tenth time.

From the OGG airport, I walked straight to Jym Park which wasn't far, but on the way, I nearly lost my hat. Turns out the ocean breeze is more of an ocean gust, depending where you are on the island. Beach was gorgeous. Saw Common Mynas on the way, and while stopping to attach my lens, a few Zebra Doves milled about the vegetation near my feet.

A Red-crested Cardinal bathing near a face more familiar to me.

After the short walk to the beach, the next walk felt a lot longer. Went to the Kanahā Pond Wildlife Sanctuary to get some photos of the stilts and night-herons. Also spotted Java Sparrows on the way.

Got lucky and noticed this Red-tailed Tropicbird soaring the blustery skies over the sanctuary!

Walk to the hostel felt like ages--mainly because my two water bottles were empty. Was wiped out by the time I checked in but had to walk to a nearby store for a little food. 5.6 miles + the food run. Also noted the domestic chickens were everywhere.