Aug 14, 2024

A trip before The Trip

 Well, the last few weeks have blown by, and summer is almost at a close. A few months ago, I was in Alaska to see my best friend, hike and bird. Just yesterday, I returned from my other summer trip, but before embarking on that, I drove to the Twin Cities to see family and from there the Milwaukee area of Wisconsin for my fourth IMSA at Road America.

En route to the Cities, I made a visit to the Albany WTP which churned out a solid list for the first of August! Four species of sandpiper, plenty of Mallards and Blue-winged Teals, the chirps of at least one Grasshopper Sparrow and two species of Terns made the list.

During, before and after the racing, I made some notes of the birds I heard and saw and was able to add some species to my Wisconsin list. On Saturday afternoon, my brother-in-law and I went down to the shore of Lake Michigan in Doctors Park where some gulls were wafting out in the water and a Caspian Tern joined the swallows in flight.