Summer is almost here and is primed to start with a bang. On Wednesday, I'll be making the leap to Alaska for the third time. Until then, I'm continuing the local birding, and it has been a pretty great week!
In addition to the towhee, I saw my first Scarlet Tanager, Magnolia Warblers, Blackpoll Warbler, Nashville Warbler, Yellowthroat and vireos for 2024.
I returned to the riverside on Saturday morning just as the wind was picking up. This time there were some bobolinks making their neat noises in the open, grassy areas.
This morning, it was back to Chahinkapa, and it was great--Cedar Waxwings, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Chimney Swifts! There was even a lifer--my first Philadelphia Vireo!
After feeding the grown Canada Geese and their growing juveniles, I was spotting birds at the edge of a pond when a solitary goose walked right up to me and stared inquisitively at me until I showed it my little bag of feed was empty. With the goose following me a while, I went to the little birdfeeder between the ponds where I had put a fair bit of cracked corn and pocked a few pieces. I went back to the edge of the pond and took some pictures until the same goose waddled up to me again, and this time I had a bit of corn for it to munch.
I went for a little walk to stretch my legs after top 8 and came home to find two male Yellow-headed Blackbirds at (and a first for) my feeders! Alright, it's almost time to start packing up for Alaska. If all goes well, I'll be sifting through thousands and thousands of photos in two weeks!