May 1, 2024

May Day!

Often the most exciting month for birding, May is here, and the earlier warblers are already busy making their way through the state. The most surprising thing I've seen in recent days, however, were some goslings and ducklings--one brood apiece.

The baby geese and chickadee above were all scrounging up cracked corn, but I didn't have a chance to photograph the ducklings who were marching along the sidewalk with their mallard mother the other morning while I was at work. They had one mildly busy street to cross before the river, so I'm hoping they made it the rest of the way safely.

This afternoon, I swung by the Bois de Sioux River again. There were lots of ruby-crowned kinglets, a house wren or two, and some warblers (yellow-rumped and orange-crowned). There was also a pair of Cooper's Hawks putting the finishing touches on their nest.

The next few weeks are looking to have quite a few rainy days, but I'm hoping to be out a lot, and I hope to see plenty more birds making their way through town.