May 11, 2022

A small first before a big day

Big day is so, so near.

And while I've been greatly looking forward to that, there was something to celebrate at this week's start. Songbird migration is obviously well under way, with the warbler action really starting to heat up around the state. On Sunday morning, upon returning from the tree disposal site, I sliced up a mandarin orange and left the slices on my otherwise empty platform feeder. I was yet to have any orioles at my feeders (granted, they've only been up for a few migrations), but I didn't have long to wait as, while watching the Miami GP, I went to get a drink, looked out the window, and saw:

Two male orchard orioles (mature on left, immature on right)! Success! The orioles stuck around the rest of the day--taking some orange slices to enjoy in the hedges--and another (or the same?) immature male was at the feeder this afternoon.

One of a couple Swainson's thrush spotted hopping about the backyard.