May 8, 2022

A gorgeous week

May is off to a great start with warmer air, bluer skies, and more birds passing through town. It was an economic week of birding to kick the month off.

My first stop for the week was the Kidder Recreation Area.

A few days later I was welcomed to the park by this fox squirrel.

Had a quiet afternoon at the archery range, but I did get a peek at a Pileated Woodpecker and a much closer look at a Groundhog!

Another beautiful morning at the park preceded a stormy evening. It's always amazing how green the grass can be after the long, white winter.

It's (the dreaded) season of flycatcher identification. My last outing of the week was the city's tree disposal site. I was happy to see my first chimney swift and gray catbird of the year.

Now it's all about preparing for Big Day.