Apr 9, 2022

Looking Forward

It's been a long week, due in part to some very "long week" weather. Rain, snow and strong winds have been rolling through the Upper Midwest the past several days, and the forecast for the week to come isn't looking much better (obviously a minor issue in the grand scheme). Today was a bit of an oasis, as the sun popped out of hiding to deliver a really pleasant afternoon.

A nice, short walk through the park turned up a fun little selection of birds such as one of my most favorite species--the brown creeper (posted just above). The ice has finally melted from the ponds, and the first wood ducks are beginning to appear.

Later in the day, I made the quick drive to the Rothsay area to scout for next weekend when I'm hoping to see my first ever Greater Prairie-Chickens! Today the fields were filled with a large happening of red-winged blackbirds, and I spotted a few first-of-year waterfowl in the small ponds. Also, this kestrel posted up to munch upon its freshly found lunch.