Apr 18, 2022

A great little, long weekend.

It's been a couple of low-key days since my cold but rewarding morning at the prairie-chicken blind. Project FeederWatch occupied several hours of the traditional weekend--Saturday being windy and sunny while Sunday turned out windy and snowy. I was rewarded with one of the best showings of the season, with the grackles, robins and doves appearing at the birdfeeders alongside the reliable wintering species.

Some of my favorite observation moments included the inverting nuthatch above and the juncos going after the low-hanging suet feeder in a corner of the yard.

The last species added to the PFW list was an exciting return: a pileated which came to explore a neighbor's tree.

Today, excitement lingering from the fun of the weekend's birding plus the wild matches of the Genesis 8 Melee event, I headed down to the park for another windy walk, hoping to turn up some sparrows and migratory waterfowl. Success!