Apr 4, 2022

Early April FeederWatching

After a couple relatively busy weeks, I decided to give myself a quiet Project FeederWatch weekend. Saturday was a comfy day, and while the sun shone bright and warm, I snuck out to lie in the backyard and snap a few photos of this cottontail enjoying its little nook.

The robins have arrived in full force and at full volume. Good thing I wasn't sleeping well regardless of their pre-dawn chirps.

Saturday's most exciting observation: my second sighting of a female purple finch among the house finches at the sunflower lantern.

And on Sunday it snowed. Thankfully, the ground had warmed just enough to melt the large, poofy flakes on impact. In funner news, two northern flickers popped by the yard, and, at last, they're back . . .