Aug 24, 2023

Louisiana Trip, IV

 Day 4: Grand Isle

  • Woke up for gate opening at Grand Isle SP. Waited outside taking photos of birds wandering, perching and flying. Gate never opened but managed two lifers: clapper rails (only ones spotted on the trip) and black skimmers. Can't complain?

  • Drove to Ninety West Park. Wandered through the park and nearby roads.
  • Highlight of the day was watching a least bittern (lifer) cling to the reeds for a few minutes before flying off.

  • Day heating up. Returned to the marina to watch terns and saw my first (do not know my oceanic wildlife) dolphin? Turns out dolphins aren't as easy to photograph with a zoom lens from a dock as I would have figured.

  • Made another stop at the Ninety West Park and the beach.
  • Loads of terns and gulls on the beach. No lifers but had fun taking pictures and walking barefoot on the sand while almost everyone else . . . drove the beach? Hm.