Aug 22, 2023

Louisiana Trip, II

 Day 2: Overton Park, Enid Lake Dam, Lefleurs Bluff State Park

  • Short drive from KOA Memphis to Overton Park.
  • Overton Park highlights: Didn't see as much as hoped especially for amount walked but saw a few Northern Mockingbirds (lifer).

  • Enid Lake Dam highlights: No lifers but some new birds for 2023.

  • Arrived at Lefleurs Bluff State Park and stopped at a few spots en route to campground.
  • Plenty of time to set up tent, relax and read.
  • Lefleurs Bluff SP Highlights: Spotted White Ibis (lifer) and Little Blue Herons (lifer) on way to campground. Watched birds flying towards roosting sites at sunset. Saw among others: Black-Bellied Whistling-Ducks (lifer), Wood Stork (lifer), Anhinga (lifer).

  • Slept pretty well and heard more owls overnight.