Jun 8, 2023

Topsy-Turvy Spring

Yet again, a lack of posting correlates to a lack of inactivity. The past few months have been--by my quiet, cozy standards--crazy, but I have managed a fair bit of local birding. Here's a short review of spring's end and summer's beginning.

Project Feeder Watch 2022-2023 Wrap-up

After several disappointing counting dates, spring migration gave my second season onboard PFW an uplifting conclusion. Highlights included four northern flickers in the yard at once and a swamp sparrow which reoccurred for several days and allowed me to get some close shots. I also had a glimpse of a yellow-rumped warbler grabbing suet (a first at my birdfeeders, so far as I've seen) and had more fun interactions with the cottontails.

Park Priorities

One of my main goals for 2023 is to fill up the illustrated checklist for Chahinkapa Park. Many common species (such as crow and common grackle) were not depicted. It's nice to not stress over birds which are harder to track down. On that note, I've heard sora calling twice from the river reeds and am hoping to spot and get a shot of them soon. Wish me luck.

More goings on at the birdfeeders

PFW may have ended with April but May had more backyard action. I was yet to see a rose-breasted grosbeak at my feeder, but on the 18th, I had six at once! Baltimore orioles teased with appearances in the shrubs and tree branches for a few days before moving in on the orange slices on offer--to feed baltimore orioles was my big bird-feeding goal for the spring, so that was cool to see. Last but not least, I'm happy to host a nesting pair of house wrens again.


Due to a tire exploding and mangling the front-end of my vehicle, my big plan for an Arizona road trip has been delayed indefinitely. But really, my disappointment was offset by knowing it could have been much worse. No injury, just an excuse for good exercise, local birding and car shopping.

In other nature-related news, I've started a messy little wildflower/butterfly garden in the backyard. As I have no prior gardening experience, I am winging it. I purchased a few plants from greenhouses after scattering lots of wildflower seed mix (which the migrating sparrows enjoyed greatly). A lot of stuff has started to sprout and grow in the sweltering start to summer.