Aug 18, 2022

Juneau IV: Cabin and Dipper-Lack

After a lazy day of anime and movies, we were back on the trails and after the birds on Friday. We made a short stop at the Juneau Community Gardens where some hummingbirds were buzzing about the flowers and other birds perched in the surroundings trees.

Next was the first of several failed attempts to spot some American dippers. We wandered along Montana Creek for a mile or so and set up near a good dipper spot after swearing we saw one duck into a tangle of trunk and branches hung over the water. Unfortunately, whatever it was did not reappear, and we had another trail to hit before nightfall.

We made the humid hike to the John Muir Cabin, arriving just as it the gray skies were losing light. After dining and goofing about, we set up our sleeping bags in the loft. Sleep came quickly but was cut short at dawn by the morning shrieks of a nearby raven. We had a quick breakfast and hit the trail. The first red crossibll and yellow-rumped warblers of the trip showed up, and I got a quick picture of a lifer Pacific-slope flycatcher on the way back to the car.

Auke Rec was next up. There wouldn't be much for birds to spot, but I did catch a glimpse of my first harbor porpoise.

Saturday's last stop was another failed search for dippers at Montana Creek.