Aug 8, 2022

Juneau II: Mendenhall Wetlands, Mount Roberts Trail

We started day two of my Alaska stay at the Mendenhall Wetlands. It would be another wet, cloudy morning, but we got a nice walk in and I got to see my first rufous hummingbirds!

That afternoon we changed from galoshes to hiking boots to take the Mount Roberts Trail up near Gastineau Peak. We were really hoping to find some ptarmigan, but if there were any along our hike their camouflaged plumage was completely effective. We did, however, have a LOT of interactions with the hoary marmots. At one point we were sat on the ridge enjoying water and a snack with a young marmot within a trekking pole's length.

The clouds were heavy at the mountain, and glimpses of Juneau below were as rare as they were vague. At least until we turned back, at which point the clouds opened up and allowed a fair bit of blue sky and sunshine.