Dec 15, 2022

(Don't) Let it Snow

After a bit of indecision, winter has arrived in full.

The week opened with a warm, rainy slush (quite the pain to shovel), and as the temperatures dipped below freezing, the snow continued on while the wind picked up. Once the sidewalk was shoveled and the roof was raked, I trudged through continuing snow for some winter birdwatching.

This merlin bookmarked my walk through the park.

It was nice to see some tree sparrows foraging along the snowy riverbanks, and I will never not be happy to watch brown creepers shimmying around in their tree-bark camouflage. Otherwise, there were lots of starlings and house sparrows.

After walking past the merlin a second time, I unburied the bird feeders at home and waited to snap a few photos of the finches and chickadees before firing up some cappuccino. Here's to hoping tomorrow's snow won't amount to much.