Nov 21, 2021

Fall into Winter

With work weighing heavier on my winter schedule, I don't often have as many opportunities to bird watch as I would like. Last year I made a more concentrated effort to bird on any free days I had, mostly to local parks and nearby eBird hotspots. This year, however, I'm hoping to do a lot more birdwatching from home and made the decision to hop aboard Project Feederwatch. With the 2021-2022 season having kicked off, I've spent the past two weekends stalking my westward windows, both weekends resulting in interesting observations. The first weekend saw the first (or at least the first I've seen) cardinal at my feeders, and this second weekend, a pair of northern flickers appeared on Saturday and a gorgeous pileated alighted on my suet feeders both days.

This nuthatch (photographed before the PFW season) has grown quite comfortable with me, feeding within feet of me with little worry on more than one occasion.

Another fan of the backyard feeders, this sharp-shinned hawk has been hanging out in the hedges the past two weekends.