Nov 21, 2020



As the weather continues to fluctuate, I've installed a few backyard feeders to provide lazy birdwatching opportunities. The chickadees were the first to poke around, followed by my first common redpoll. Today marked a noticeable uptick in activity, as red- and white-breasted nuthatches, pine siskins, house finches and dark-eyed juncos all made appearances. Highlight: the red-breasted nuthatch pictured at bottom perching atop my head while I lay near the feeder with my camera.

Oct 31, 2020

Plucking Away

 As the Midwest attempts to make up its mind on the season, I have been making many little ventures to birdwatch. In the past, I haven't dedicated much time to winter birding--something I am working to change in 2020-2021--so many common winter birds are lifers, such as the snow bunting and lapland longspur.

Right after I took an unintended dip into the Bois de Sioux, the above yellowlegs (along with a conspecific fellow) flew over to investigate.